Register an idea with copyright


Register an idea with copyright


Published February 21, 2023


Can an idea be filed by Copyright?

The answer warrants a prior distinction

-Is this a simple idea, fleeting and intangible?

-Or is it a project, a business idea that has been developed, built, organised, structured, so as to make it into a true original, creative and new creation.

In the first case, clearly we can’t say that a right that doesn’t exist can be given. Therefore a simple, basic idea cannot have a true copyright, even if you decide to file it.

However -- and this is the most common case – the initial idea, fleshed out by the “idea plan” which announces the plan to execute the future project, will be protectable by Copyright and your filing will be an essential tool for asserting your author’s rights, your copyright, your intellectual property.

Write out your “idea,” your “idea plan” completely before filing it; it is through the quality of that reasoned writing and the demonstration of your originality that registration of your documents will support the copyright filing of your idea and the real protection of your author’s rights.

I also wish to file my idea by clicking once here.