How Can I Protect My Poetry?


How Can I Protect My Poetry?


Published February 21, 2023


Whether you have written one single poem, a book of poetry or an anthology, your poetry is special to you. Poetry is very personal, for the most part , and it is difficult for poets to make a living as it is. All of your poetry comes from hard work. It is unique and belongs to you and only you should be the owner of this creative work and derive whatever profit and other benefits from it. That is the purpose of UK copyright law, after all.

In the United Kingdom, as long as your poetry is original and not derivative of another work, it will qualify for copyright protection. Unfortunately, a problem will come up if and when someone has copied your work or somehow infringed on your work in some way. In those situations, you have to be able to prove that you own the work and that your poem was written first by certifying both of those things to legal authorities. One sure way to protect yourself and your poetry is by registering and making a copyright deposit of your work in a way that establishes you as the owner of the work and that creates a date certain of your poem's creation.

How We Protect Your Poetry

When you register and make a copyright deposit of your poetry through, the protection is instantaneous. Your copyright deposit establish a date certain of creation of your poetry, which will establish priority of copyright. And this deposit serves as incontestable proof of copyright because it is unalterable by anyone. The deposit of your book serves as your official witness of your right to your creation or design.

When you file for copyright protection for your poetry, that protection is valid for life. When you deposit your poetry for copyright protection, your work is in hands of officers with a legal obligation to retain all creative and unique deposits in a way that makes them incontestable in a legal proceeding. One of the best aspects if this process is that your protection reaches well beyond the United Kingdom. When you make a copyright deposit in the UK with, your copyright protection is valid in all 171 countries that have signed on to the Berne Convention, which means your poetry automatically receives protection internationally.

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